List of AI Experiments Tools

Here’s a list of the best AI Experiments Tools on the internet:

We've got you covered. Here's a bit about the Experiments niche and the best tools to pick from.

Welcome to the exciting world of AI innovation, where the boundaries of science and technology are constantly being pushed! We present to you the cutting-edge category of AI tools, aptly named "Experiments." These remarkable creations are designed to showcase the incredible potential of artificial intelligence, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology and the world around us. The "Experiments" category includes a diverse range of AI inventions, from the fascinatingly futuristic Auto GPT and Alethea, to the whimsical and entertaining Talk To Books and Suno AI Bark. As you delve into this thrilling assortment of breakthroughs, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where creativity and technology converge, igniting a new era of discovery and possibility. Each tool within the "Experiments" category is an extraordinary testament to the power of human ingenuity, as developers and researchers from around the globe push the envelope of what AI can achieve. Whether you're an enthusiast looking to explore the latest advancements or a professional seeking inspiration for your own projects, these inventive tools are sure to captivate your imagination and spark your curiosity. But the true beauty of this category lies not only in the ingenuity of the tools themselves, but also in the endless possibilities they represent. As you explore the "Experiments" category, you'll find that the only limit to what these tools can accomplish is the scope of the human imagination. So, embark on a journey of exploration and wonder, and witness the boundless potential that lies within the realm of AI Experiments.


This list is brought to you by Castmagic: An AI-powered tool for turning podacst and long form audio into content. Loved by thousands of the biggest creators, podcasters and marketers.

AI Experiments

AI Experiments

Google's AI Experiments showcase simple machine learning tools.



Alethea AI's CharacterGPT creates interactive AI characters with decentralized governance.

Ask My Book

Ask My Book

AI tool for real-time answers and efficient information retrieval from book.

Auto GPT

Auto GPT

Auto-GPT: Open-source AI tool for autonomous business management.



DreamFusion optimizes 3D scenes with high-quality normals and geometry.



Farm3D generates controllable 3D animals from 2D images in seconds.



GPT-me by Vana: AI chatbot for self-conversations, personal growth, and mindfulness.

Have I Been Encoded

Have I Been Encoded

HaveIBeenEncoded: Find AI info on you, opt out if desired.

Human or Not

Human or Not

Social Turing Game: Test your ability to identify AI chatbots.



LoopGPT: Trigger AI chat between John and Jane in context.

NSFW Checker

NSFW Checker

Stable Diffusion: Open-source image filter for NSFW content identification.

Papers GPT

Papers GPT

Tool for customizing GPT's knowledge with scientific papers. Proof-of-concept UX.

Suno AI Bark

Suno AI Bark

Bark: Multilingual, realistic text-to-audio model with sound effects and support.

Talk To Books

Talk To Books

AI tool for exploring ideas and discovering books through browsing passages.

This Model Does Not Exist

This Model Does Not Exist

AI-generated influencer with new photos every 15 minutes. Vote daily.



Atoms is a New York footwear company that believes feet come in sizes too. Customers can order their shoes for the left and right foot in two different sizes, to get perfectly fitting kicks. Atoms also offers "Quarter Sizes," meaning there are 24 ½ combinations of width and length.



Atoms is a New York footwear company that believes feet come in sizes too. Customers can order their shoes for the left and right foot in two different sizes, to get perfectly fitting kicks. Atoms also offers "Quarter Sizes," meaning there are 24 ½ combinations of width and length.



Atoms is a New York footwear company that believes feet come in sizes too. Customers can order their shoes for the left and right foot in two different sizes, to get perfectly fitting kicks. Atoms also offers "Quarter Sizes," meaning there are 24 ½ combinations of width and length.



Atoms is a New York footwear company that believes feet come in sizes too. Customers can order their shoes for the left and right foot in two different sizes, to get perfectly fitting kicks. Atoms also offers "Quarter Sizes," meaning there are 24 ½ combinations of width and length.



Atoms is a New York footwear company that believes feet come in sizes too. Customers can order their shoes for the left and right foot in two different sizes, to get perfectly fitting kicks. Atoms also offers "Quarter Sizes," meaning there are 24 ½ combinations of width and length.

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