Arcwise AI: GPT-powered copilot tool for Google Sheets data processing.
This list is brought to you by Castmagic: An AI-powered tool for turning podacst and long form audio into content. Loved by thousands of the biggest creators, podcasters and marketers.
GPT Workspace: Boost productivity with Google app integration and content creation.
PromptLoop: AI tool for easy integration of GPT-3 in spreadsheets.
reciTAL automates document capture, categorization, and search for professionals.
Charm tool analyzes and transforms text data in Google Sheets.
Flowshot: AI toolkit automating Google Sheets workflows with autocomplete, formulas, images.
Goodlookup is a smart function for topic clustering in Google Sheets.
Nextatlas: trend prediction tool using NLP and machine learning algorithms.
FormulaGenerator simplifies complex Excel formulas and automations with AI-powered tools.
Formula generation, conversion, and debugging tool for spreadsheets.
Luminal: AI-powered spreadsheet importer for fast, dynamic, secure data handling.