
What it does?

Activazon: crime report analytics for neighborhood safety.

DTCetc Score
Brand Tags
Asian Owned
Diverse Brand
Emerging Brand
Immigrant Founders
Influencer Approved
Creulty Free
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DTCetc’s Take

Activazon on Twitter

TL;DR of This AI Tool
Target Audience
  1. Concerned parents who want to keep their children safe in their neighbourhoods.
  2. Elderly individuals who may be more vulnerable to crime and want to stay informed about their surroundings.
  3. Real estate agents who want to provide their clients with information about the safety of potential neighbourhoods.
  4. Tourists who want to stay informed about the safety of the areas they are visiting.
  5. Community leaders who want to stay informed about crime trends in their neighbourhoods and take action to improve safety.
  • Crime report analytics
  • Keeps residents and visitors informed
  • Tracks activities in neighbourhoods
  • Provides real-time updates
  • User-friendly interface
Pricing Details

See website for more details

Sustainability Score
This brand offers products that are on the pricey side.
Quality Score
This brand offers products that are on the pricey side.
DTCetc Score
This brand offers products that are on the pricey side.
Target Audience
  1. Concerned parents who want to keep their children safe in their neighbourhoods.
  2. Elderly individuals who may be more vulnerable to crime and want to stay informed about their surroundings.
  3. Real estate agents who want to provide their clients with information about the safety of potential neighbourhoods.
  4. Tourists who want to stay informed about the safety of the areas they are visiting.
  5. Community leaders who want to stay informed about crime trends in their neighbourhoods and take action to improve safety.
  • Crime report analytics
  • Keeps residents and visitors informed
  • Tracks activities in neighbourhoods
  • Provides real-time updates
  • User-friendly interface


Pricing Details

See website for more details

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