What it does?

Gamma.AI: AI-powered cloud DLP for SaaS apps, 99.5% accurate classification.

DTCetc Score
Brand Tags
Asian Owned
Diverse Brand
Emerging Brand
Immigrant Founders
Influencer Approved
Creulty Free
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TL;DR of This AI Tool
Target Audience
  1. IT administrators in large corporations who are responsible for data security and want to monitor employee activities to prevent data breaches.
  2. Small business owners who want to protect their sensitive data from insider threats and social engineering attacks.
  3. Compliance officers in regulated industries such as healthcare or finance who need to ensure data privacy and security.
  4. Human resources professionals who want to prevent employee data leaks and protect employee privacy.
  5. Information security professionals who want to implement a comprehensive data loss prevention strategy across multiple SaaS applications.
  • 99.5% accurate data classification: Utilizes advanced deep learning for contextual perception
  • Horizontal coverage: One-click deployment across all devices, applications, and users
  • User democratization: Empowers end-users with instant remediation capabilities
  • Integration: Supports over 150 SaaS applications, including Gmail, Slack, Outlook, and Salesforce
  • Use cases for Gamma.AI cater to various organizations:
    • Companies seeking to mitigate data breaches stemming from human negligence
    • IT administrators looking to monitor employee activities and protect sensitive data
    • Organizations aiming to address insider threats, DLP in the cloud, and social engineering attacks
  • Overall, Gamma.AI offers a people-centric security solution, helping customers protect users, detect violations, and remediate breaches.
Pricing Details

See website for more details

Sustainability Score
This brand offers products that are on the pricey side.
Quality Score
This brand offers products that are on the pricey side.
DTCetc Score
This brand offers products that are on the pricey side.
Target Audience
  1. IT administrators in large corporations who are responsible for data security and want to monitor employee activities to prevent data breaches.
  2. Small business owners who want to protect their sensitive data from insider threats and social engineering attacks.
  3. Compliance officers in regulated industries such as healthcare or finance who need to ensure data privacy and security.
  4. Human resources professionals who want to prevent employee data leaks and protect employee privacy.
  5. Information security professionals who want to implement a comprehensive data loss prevention strategy across multiple SaaS applications.
  • 99.5% accurate data classification: Utilizes advanced deep learning for contextual perception
  • Horizontal coverage: One-click deployment across all devices, applications, and users
  • User democratization: Empowers end-users with instant remediation capabilities
  • Integration: Supports over 150 SaaS applications, including Gmail, Slack, Outlook, and Salesforce
  • Use cases for Gamma.AI cater to various organizations:
    • Companies seeking to mitigate data breaches stemming from human negligence
    • IT administrators looking to monitor employee activities and protect sensitive data
    • Organizations aiming to address insider threats, DLP in the cloud, and social engineering attacks
  • Overall, Gamma.AI offers a people-centric security solution, helping customers protect users, detect violations, and remediate breaches.


Pricing Details

See website for more details

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